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Plum Personality

Top 3 Talents

Decision Making - The ability to make high-quality decisions based on limited information.

Managing Others - The ability to take charge of a group and motivate group members toward common goals.

Persuasion - The ability to convince others of a direction, activity or idea, and influence decision making.

Top Three Talents:

Decision Making

The Ability to make high-quality decisions based on limited information.

Mark is:

-Able to critically evaluate information, generate solutions, and use facts and logic to support decisions.

-Excellent at expressing opinions and taking control of a situation.

-Very good at accepting feedback and taking responsibility for decisions.

Managing Others

The ability to take charge of a group and motivate group members toward common goals.

Mark is:

-Extraordinary at motivating others to attain goals, expressing opinions, and exercising authority.

-Excellent at understanding how to motivate people, ensuring others' alignment behind a vision, and providing feedback.

-Extraordinary at building a positive team spirit and collaborating to reach goals.


The ability to convince others of a direction, activity or idea, and influence decision-making

Mark is:

-Extraordinary at swaying the thinking and behavior of individuals who initially disagree.

-Excellent at understanding peoples' motivations and feelings, and knowing how to motivate others to change.


More about Mark's Personality

Mark is:

-Perseverant, purposeful ambitious and achievement oriented.

-Outgoing, sociable, excited and expressive.

-Excellent at navigating the most difficult interpersonal situations and understanding subtle social cues.

-Likely to be self-assured, happy, optimistic, content, secure, and cheerful.

-Receptive, adaptive, flexible, unconventional, and reflective.

Professionally, Mark is:

A good fit for organizations and roles that:

-appreciate a high level of directness and getting to a solution quickly.

-require accepting feedback and criticism, and dealing positively with obstacles and failures.​

-that prioritize achieving high goals.

-are growing, changing quickly, and have varying tasks.

-need someone to push others to perform at their best.

-require from a strong preference to take the lead on tasks and projects.

-require identifying and understanding the motivations and feelings of others.

-require frequent social interaction and meeting new people.

-measure success on the volume of work completed.

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